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Swagelok North Carolina | East Tennessee

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Improper Use or Mishandled

Cracked Gauge

Common Failure: Improper Use or Mishandling 

How do I know that my gauge is has been mishandled?

  • A cracked or missing window
  • Leaking case fill
  • Missing back plates or fill plugs
  • Heavy external build-up on case

What leads to improper use or mishandling of gauges?

Improperly used or mishandling of a gauge can be caused by several things. When looking at your system, consider the following:

  • Is there a maintenance program for maintaining gauges?
  • Was any training received for maintenance of gauge?
  • Is the gauge in a location that is susceptible to damage?

Possible Risks

Accelerated degradation and corrosion of the internal gauge components will affect the performance of the gauge



  • Establish a program to replace failed gauges
  • Increase the amount and depth of training on gauge maintenance.
  • Select a more durable gauge to better withstand a longer service time.
  • For applications with heavy build-up, use a gauge cover to protect the gauge.
  • Evaluate system design to relocate the gauge.


Download our Pressure Gauge Catalog for information on our product offering.