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Swagelok North Carolina | East Tennessee

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Gauge Corrosion

Common Failure: Corrosion

How do I know that my gauge is experiencing corrosion?

  • Pointer is corroded
  • Discolored liquid case fill
  • Build-up in case

What causes corrosion in my gauge?

Failure due to corrosion can be caused by several things. When looking at your system, consider the following:

  • Are contaminants getting inside of the case?
  • Is the fill plug missing?
  • Is the case or window cracked?

Possible Risks

  • Contaminants cause corrosion of the Bourdon tube
  • Contaminant inside the gauge window result in inability to read the gauge or for the gauge to show an inaccurate reading
  • System media will release into the environment resulting I potential injury and lost system media



Select a gauge with liquid case fill or with a hermetical seal to keep contaminants out. Use a diaphragm seal solution in a non-316 alloy for increased corrosion resistance.


Download our Pressure Gauge Catalog for information on our product offering.