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Swagelok North Carolina | East Tennessee

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Virtual Diagnosis and Analysis

Virtual Swagelok steam and condensate system solutions

Contact us today

Let our Engineers Solve your Steam System Issues

Virtual Steam System Engineering Support is Swagelok's latest offering to support our customers during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond at no cost to you. Access to plant operations can be limited because of the pandemic as well as for a variety of other reasons. The need for engineering support, however, does not change. We have developed the following program to meet plant needs.

How It Works

Our steam system engineering team uses the latest engineering tools to assist in the virtual diagnosis and analysis. Reviews will include identification, documentation as well as bench marking. After our engineers have concluded the investigation, we will develop and provide the following to you:

  • Video presentation outlining investigation and the road map for remediating the problem.
  • Written narrative on the video presentation.
  • Typically, a conference call within a week to follow-up on the root cause analysis study.


Virtual Engineering Sample Report




Swagelok Steam System Resources