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Tire Steam System Tech Talk

Tire Press Steam System Operations Tech Talk

Today's tire press operation requires steam system optimization and reliability. Learn from Swagelok Steam Technical Expert, Kelly Paffel about the best practices for your steam systems.


Topics Covered Include:

• Tire presses require 100% steam quality. Is your plant meeting this requirement?

• Condensate drainage issues will cause tire press performance issues.
Learn the main causes of drainage issues
Understand the dynamics of the steam and condensate system with a tire press operation
How to conduct root cause analysis
How to resolve the most common issues

• Condensate recovery from tire press operations
What is more reliable method to recover condensate?
What is the most efficient method to recover condensate from a tire press operation?

View the Presentation Slides

Resources to Optimize your Steam System:

Download the best practice for Steam Trap Station Sizing
Download the best practice on Steam Quality

Kelly Paffel, Swagelok Steam Technical Expert: Kelly Paffel is a recognized worldwide authority in industrial steam systems with 41 years of experience in steam, compressed air systems, and power operations. Currently, Kelly serves as Swagelok’s Steam System Technical Support Expert. Over the past 38 years, Kelly has conducted thousands of steam system assessments, project management tasks, turnkey projects, product design, engineering assignments, and training sessions. From this experience, he has a real-world grasp of how to identify and resolve actual and potential opportunities to improve the functioning of steam systems.

Kelly has worked with companies in various industries, including manufacturing, paper, refining, chemicals, food and beverage, automotive, and energy, helping them achieve over $530 million in energy and production efficiency gains.

A mechanical engineer who has excelled in the field of steam, Kelly has long been recognized as a go-to steam system expert. He is an experienced lecturer known around the world for his publications, which include 42 technical papers on steam and compressed gas system design and operation and 72 steam system best practices. Kelly has also achieved the highest certification in Steam Systems, Level VI, and now instructs students in classes who hope to achieve the same goal.

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